TRIUMPHANT LODGE - NO. 8720 (1976)

In the 1970s there was a tremendous build up in the membership of St. John’s Lodge No. 3780, the only Freemasons Lodge of the English Constitution in Onitsha, being an old Lodge in the Eastern Area of the country. It also had a sizeable number of fairly old, keen and knowled­geable Masons, forming a basis to the founding fathers of Triumphant Lodge No. 8720 whose express objectives were to relieve the extreme pressure on St. John’s Lodge No. 3780 and also provide a fresh avenue for advancement of zealous young Masons.

This very kind thought for the Masonic well-being of the younger Masons was nurtured to fruition by Past Masters in and of St. John’s Lodge No. 3780 led by Eugene Chukwuemeka Ubaezonu and ably assisted by Chief I. A. Mbanefo, P.D.J.G.W., P.O. Stal. B., the founding fathers of this young Lodge comprising Joseph Chukwuma Ononye, Nathan Onwuasoanya Ekpunobi, Albert Obiesie Erokwu, George Arinze Obianwu, Prince Lawrence N. Okoli, Dr. Timothy Ndubisi Menakaya and Dennis C. Chukwudebe duly sponsored by St. John’s Lodge No. 3780 sent a petition to the United Grand Lodge of England praying for the founding of Triumphant Lodge. The Warrant of the Lodge was signed and dated 29th April, 1976. The Lodge was consecrated on Saturday, 5th March, 1977.

The District Grand Master delegated Sir Loius Nwachukwu Mbanefo Kt., P.D.D.G.M., O.S.M. to offici­ate at the Ceremony, assisted by Chief G. C. Mbanugo C.F.R., (then A.D.G.M.). This occasion was the last Masonic duty performed by Sir Mbanefo who died on 30th March, 1977. Triumphant Lodge No. 8720 prides itself to have had this memorable association with the Worthy Brother.
E. C. Ubaezonu was the chartered Master while J. C. Ononye was the Senior Warden and Chief I. A. Mbanefo, Junior Warden.

It is instructive that in the year 1974, Chief Isaac Anieka Mbanefo, P.D.J., G.W., the Odu of Onitsha, celebrated his 50th year in Masonry. In 1977, he condescended to hold the office of Junior Warden in the new Lodge in its first year. Members of Triumphant Lodge No. 8720 felt that the honour of P.G. Std. B. conferred on him in 1977 by the Grand Lodge of England was in recognition of his exemplary Masonic qualities at the ripe age of 79 years (in 1977) in assisting to found a new Lodge and see it grow.

Triumphant Lodge No. 8720 holds its regular meetings on the first Saturday of every month at St. John’s Freemason’s Hall, 2 Egerton Road, Onitsha. It should be noted that there is unity amongst the English Lodges in Onitsha and in cooperation built a Masonic Library to the memory of Sir Louis Nwachukwu Mbanefo. This Lodge feels exceedingly proud to be associated with this project.
The past years of the Lodge have left us nothing to regret but we have hope that the future, may by token of our collective efforts show remar­kable improvement of our already glorious past with the District Grand Lodge of Nigeria.

Lodge Venue and Meeting Days

Meeting Days:

First Saturday of January to December. Installation March.
Time: 12 noon.


Meets at Masonic Hall Egerton Road, Onitsha.


Mail: P.O. Box 224 Onitsha, Anambra State.
