And so the world suddenly woke up in November 2019 and was faced with a Virus emanating from Wuhan, China. It all seemed like a faraway place at first, it seemed like the medical authorities would get a quick hold of it quickly enough, but Alas! Here we are. The entire world seems to have stopped turning just because of one “tiny little virus! From Wuhan, the virus has spread across the entire globe, shutting down industries, and creating such uncertainty as has not been seen since the Spanish Influenza of 1918. The spread is similar, and though the devastation across the world has not been as bad as the 1918 Pandemic, the potential is equally great, or even bigger.
The spread of the current virus has been much faster. The Grand Lodge of England has taken the unusual step of Suspending Masonic activities across the globe. The District Grand Lodge of Nigeria has likewise suspended activities in Nigeria, as have all other districts across the world. When last did you shake the hand of another human? In view of the devastating effects of lock-downs on economies, Freemasonry as ever has been quick to race to the fore of providing relief and pouring the healing balm on the hands of the afflicted. And Brethren, we All are afflicted at this particular time. In view of this, the District Grand Lodge of Nigeria embarked on a fundraising drive. So far, we have been able to raise close to 8 Million Naira. The United Grand Lodge of England provided financial support of £5,000 ( approximately N2,250,000) towards the COVID-19 District project. In addition, 28 Lodges, 2 Chapters and many Brethren in the District Grand Lodge of Nigeria (EC) made voluntary donations. Worth mentioning is the N4,000,000 financial donation from the District Grand Lodge of Sierra Leone and The Gambia.

Consequently, the District was able to:
- Distribute 10,000 units of face masks and hand sanitisers to many organizations in the 6 Divisions of the District :- North, South, East, West, Lagos I and Lagos II area.
- Internal Charity to 20 distressed Brethren.
- External Charity to 20 Masonic widows.
Brethren, your District will continue to do the work you all expect of us as Freemasons. We look forward to the return of Happy times, when we can once again Shake hands, meet, and dine in brotherhood and joy!