The first attempt to found a Lodge at Naraguta appears to have been made during the years 1911 and 1912. Although there is a documented reference to the Plateau Lodge No. 3611, it appears this Lodge was never consecrated, and it apparently never functioned.
A further attempt to found a Lodge, this time at Jos, was made in 1916 but without success. Another attempt to found a Lodge at Jos was made in 1924, but again without success. The reason for these failures appears to have been due to the fact that the founders were transferred elsewhere before anything concrete had been achieved to get a new Lodge going.
Before the Plateau (Nigeria) Lodge No. 5229 came into being, the masons in Jos used to meet as “the Jos class for Masonic instruction.” These brethren then formed an executive committee to try once more to found a Lodge in Jos. A Petition signed by ten of the members was sponsored by the Northern Nigeria Lodge No. 3325 at Kaduna. When it seemed assured that a Warrant would be granted, a Lodge of Instruction was formed (under the auspices of the Northern Nigeria Lodge) and this met each fortnight from 22nd January 1930 until the new Lodge was consecrated in October of the same year.
The executive committee approached the Church Council of St. Piran’s Church, Jos and obtained permission to use the Church for Masonic purposes. The Consecration took place there and the Lodge held its regular meetings there until October 1932. One of the members used to act as Tyler, and patrolled the outside of the Church when meetings were being held.
The Warrant approving the proposed new Lodge was not issued until 27th October 1930; although the Lodge was consecrated on 15th October i930. A cabled authority for a provisional Warrant was sent direct from London to the District Grand Master. Armed with this provisional Warrant the District Grand Master made a special journey to Jos and, on 15th October 1930 at St. Piran’s Church the new Lodge was consecrated. This then, was at last the successful outcome of all those former years of frustration when no less than three previous attempts to start a new Lodge proved abortive. It was, perhaps, most fitting that the Consecration of Plateau (Nigeria) Lodge No. 5229 should have been performed in person by the then District Grand Master, Dr. George Munn Gray.
The first Master of Plateau (Nigeria) Lodge No. 5229 was H. K. Leftwich, the first Senior Warden was E. Langslow-Cocks, and the first Junior Warden was C. R. Walker.
It is of interest to record that what is now known as the Masonic Hall, Bank Street, Jos was formerly the old A.T.M.N. Canteen. The members of the newly formed Plateau Lodge, after negotiations with the A.T.M.N. Ltd, were able to purchase this old Canteen for £100 and the building then altered and improved as necessary.
It is on record also that the important work of modifying the old building to form a suitable Masonic Temple was under the able direction of Spriggs; and he was later presented with a memento from the Lodge as a token of appreciation for his very fine efforts.
Lodge Venue and Meeting Days
Meeting Days:
Fourth Friday, January to
November. Installation in
Time: 6pm
Masonic Hall
10, Bank Road,
Jos, Plateau State.
Mail: P.O. Box 149 Jos 9300001, Jos, Plateau State