W. Bro. Patrick Oluwafemi OROYEMI was born on 17th June, 1961. He is a graduate of Mathematics and he holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Management , both from Obafemi Awolowo University, lle- Ife; Diploma in Computer Science and a Master’s in Business Administration with specialization in Marketing , 2002.
Femi is an aviation ground handing specialist with variegated experience in ramp, cargo and passengers services. Having served in leadership capacities in Nigerian Aviation Handling Company PLC; Skyway Aviation Handling Company PLC and Asky Airlines he is currently with Cronos Airlines. He has many International Air Transport Association (IATA) certificates including the Professional Skills for Dangerous Goods Regulation (DGR) Instructors and a Diploma in Airline Operations from IATA Training & Development Institute, Montreal.
He was initiated, passed and raised in Lodge of Excellence 9809 EC in 2010. Excellent Companion Oroyemi was exalted into Travellers Chapter No.3726 in 2011 and was Secretary and Scribe E in both respectively. Also, of the Mark Master Masons Arewa Lodge No.1433EC. He was a member of the Logistics Committee during the Centenary Celebrations held in Lagos in 2013. He was appointed Past District Grand Steward (PDG Stwd.) in April, 2014 and appointed the District Grand Secretary in November, 2016.