Following the death of Dr. G. Munn Gray, the fifth District Grand Master to be appointed was Sir Adeyemo Alakija K.B.E., P.A.G. Reg.
He was installed by the late Sir Charles Tachie Menson, O.B.E. District Grand Master, Gold Coast. The Installation took place at St. George’s Hall, Lagos on 22nd December, 1950.
There were 163 masons present at the Ceremony. During many of the years when the previous D.G.M. had been unavoidably absent from Nigeria, the affairs of the District had been very ably managed by Sir Adeyemo Alakija.
His appointment as District Grand Master, therefore, was received with general satisfaction by the brethren of the District. He was not only an outstanding Mason, but also an eminent legal practitioner. He was a Member of the Legislative Council 1934-1941. He was also one of the first two Africans to be a Member of the Executive Council in 1943.
He was the second African to become ruler of a District; C. W. Tachie Menson O.B.E. was appointed D.G.M., Gold Coast, the same year, being the first to hold this very distinguished position. In May 1952, the District was plunged into mourning again following the death of Sir Adeyemo Alakija in Lagos.
He died very suddenly on 10th May, the eve of the Installation Meeting of EbuteMetta Lodge when he intended to install as Master of the Lodge, his successor, C. C. Jarrett. It is said that at the moment of his death he was actually rehearsing the Ceremony of Installation, and that he died with his copy of the Nigerian Ritual in his hands.