Rt. W. Bro. Adediji Adedoyin was born into the royal family of Sagamu, a bubbling community in
South West Nigeria. A lawyer of no mean repute, Rt. W. Bro. Adediji Adedoyin climbed early to the peak of his legal career when he was made a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN).
Rt. W. Bro. Adediji Adedoyin was installed Worshipful Master of his mother Lodge (Lagos Lodge No 1171). In 1976 he was appoint District Assistant Grand Secretary (DAGS) until 1978 when he was promoted District Grand Secretary (DGS), a position he held for the next eight years.
Within this period, while still holding the substantive position of a DGS, he was appointed the Past District Grand Chaplain (PDG Chap) and Past District Grand Senior Warden (PDSGW) in 1981 and 1983 respectively.
Due to his astute administrative acumen and dedicated passion for the craft, he was appointed the Deputy District Grand Master (DDGM) 1988 to 1990.
His craftsmanship kept soaring and he was honoured with the position of a Past Senior Grand Warden (PSGW) in 1988. At this point, he had become something of an icon in Masonry in Nigeria.
He was thus appointed the District Grand Master of Nigeria in 1997. He held this position till 2008 when he retired voluntarily to become the Past District Grand Master (PDGM).Rt. W. Bro. Adediji Adedoyin can best be described as a strict disciplinarian, steeped deep in the knowledge of the craft, an indefatigable reader, a stickler for accountability, integrity and trust.
He is well known for the effortless ease, accuracy and precision with which he delivers his workings.