Pursuant to the DGLN directive that lodges distribute the COVID-19 RELIEF items/paliatives to identified and chosen beneficiaries, ABA Lodge caused a letter to be written to the Area Command Aba requesting for a visit and donation of the aforesaid relief items on 16/7/2020. Accordingly, upon approval of the re- quest four members of Aba Lodge visited the Area Command and where warmly received by the Area Commander. After the Worshipful Master W. Bro Charles Opara introduced himself and other members of the lodge, he further introduced the order of FREEMASON- RY and it’s Noble causes and objectives to the Area Commander. The WM with the assistance of brethren unsealed the items and handed them over to the Area Commander and same was thankfully received. Finally the Area Commander registered his satisfaction with our visit and encouraged us to always feel free to beck- on with such charitable gifts in future. The Area Commander also promised to forward a letter of appreciation to the Lodge for the items received. At about 4 pm the WM thanked the AC for the warm and kind reception and the meeting ended well.


At the visitation of 16/7/2020 , the fol- lowing brethren were present name- ly W. Bro. Charles Opara(W), W. Bro Chukwuemeka Nwosu (IPM), W. Bro Francis Kanu (PM/Treasurer), Bro Felix Obinna(MM) and a friend.


Absent brethren sent in their apologies for their unavoidable absence. Annexed to this report are copies of pictures and a video clip of the visitation and donation.


Thank you
Yours faithfully
W. Bro. Charles Opara
Worshipful Master