At the time of his Installation, and until he left Nigeria in 1958, R. E. Wooff was stationed at Kano.
He was Manager for Mr. Saul Raccah, M.B.E. reputed to be one of the largest dealers in produce in Northern Nigeria.
The Installation of R. E. Wooff as District Grand Master took place at St. George’s Hall, Lagos on 30th January 1954. He was installed by the Assistant Grand Master, Major-General Sir Allan Adair, Bt. C.B., C.V.O., D.S.O., M.C., D.L.
The Assistant Grand Master was assisted by Commander R. H. Barrett, R. N., P. Dep.G.D.C. Both of these Grand Lodge officers had travelled to Nigeria especially for the Installation and the District was thus highly honoured, the occasion being the first time that any representative from the Grand Lodge
had been present on such an occasion.
In a suitably worded “Expression of Thanks’” the R.W.D.G.M. made reference also to the fact that it was the first time in the history of the District that a District Grand Master had been installed by a Grand Lodge Officer.