From notes compiled and very kindly supplied by W. Bro. Dr. S. O. Awoliyi, D.P. ;G.W. and by W. Bro. C. H. Johnson P.D.G.D, Dr. Gray first came to Nigeria in 1908 as a Government medical officer and was stationed at Aro, Abeokuta.
He was transferred to Lagos in 1913, and he resigned from the Government service on 31st March that year. As from 1st April, 1913 Dr. Gray set up his own practice at Orange House, Tinubu Street, Lagos and-ten months later he moved to 8 Alli Street where he established his Surgery. Dr. Gray was much beloved and respected by all members of the Lagos community. He was known to be a very astute Clinician and a Surgeon of no mean order.
His practice flourished. He carried out consultations regularly, until he handed over the Surgery to Doctor Sir Kofo Abayomj. In 1914 he established a Nursing Home (known as Dr. Gray’s Hospital) at Onikan, Lagos which was opened on the same day that the First World War was declared, on 4th August.
The Hospital at Onikan was erected by a German Firm of building contractors, Messrs. Ring and Starke. The hospital was taken over by Government in 1922, when it became known as the European Hospital. It later became known as the Creek Hospital, Lagos.
Through the influence of Dr. Gray, his colleague and partner, the late Dr. Blair Aitken joined him in Lagos in 1921. Both of them worked as Surgeons in the General Hospital and in the Creek Hospital, Lagos. Unfortunately, Dr. Blair Aitken was drowned at Tarquah Bay, Lagos in December 1935.
Dr, Gray left Nigeria in 1936 and returned for short visits in 1937, 1938 and again in 1949. Dr. Gray was one of the original Directors of the West African Drug Company which was started jointly by Messrs Elder Dempster Ltd. and a Liverpool firm of wholesale Chemists. Soon after the events described above
the District was plunged into mourning, following the death in England on 16th June, 1950 of its beloved District Grand Master.
A memorial service was held in St. Saviour’s Church Lagos on 18th July 1950 which was attended by some three hundred brethren and friends. The service was conducted by the Rev. Canon R. A. Wright, O.B.E., M.A., and W. Bro. the Rev. Bishop A. Akinyele. After much deliberation, it was decided that the
Memorial to be erected to the memory of Dr. Gray should be a stained glass window in St. Saviour’s Church, similar to and placed in harmony with, the window erected to the memory of Dr. Blair Aitkens P.D.G.W., the friend and colleague of the late District Grand Master.
This second window was duly installed in the Church, and a Consecration Service conducted by The Rt. Rev. A. W. Howells, O.B.E., MA., B.D., was held there on 20th March, 1955.